Wednesday, July 9, 2008

A little background

You can learn about the beginnings of ACU's Madagascar Presidential Scholarship Program by viewing this YouTube version of a 10-minute film on the topic. It was part of a longer award-winning documentary, "Throughout the World," from ACU and Phillips Productions Inc. of Dallas.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Thank you so much for sharing and keeping us updated on the latest news about our Malagasy students. I am so proud that God has granted me an opportunity to be apart of the ACU community, a place where He prepares His people to lead and serve, not just in Abilene, but throughout the whole world. I am equally proud of what He has done and will do with the lives of our students. I can envision the great impact that the Malagasy students will have on their people, as well as their country. This is just the beginning of what God is going to do for many future generations as a result of these students who were brave enough to trust Him with their lives in a far away, foreign land. I am making this website one of my favorites, so I can keep up with our students' progress as they embark on the mission that God has called them to. Although their presence will certainly be missed, I know the lives of so many others will be changed because of their experiences here at ACU.

Please give my blessings to everyone and let them know that I am praying for them.

In Christ,

Helen Marshall